Atlantic Modular System Ltd.
Chairperson's speech
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What is corporate culture?
In my eyes, corporate culture is just like people's character; it is a company's character.
For people, as the saying goes, his character is his destiny;
For a company, I would like to say, its culture decides whether it rises or goes the other way!
As a start-up company, AMS owes even more to its culture as the latter decides how far the modular cause can go and what achievement we can make in developing this industry!
It is so fortunate that AMS was born into an age that the housing industrialization is likened by many people and the housing modernization campaign comes at the critical juncture. We are lucky to be part of China's urbanization program. But above all, we are most fortunate in owning the superior technological system.
But only luck is not enough:
AMS needs a "soul" - a deep-rooted, pure and noble soul!
And AMS needs a "culture" - a courageous, innovation-oriented and striving culture!
Still, AMS people need a "spirit" - a dauntless, resolving and unswerving spirit!
Opportunity only favours those prepared minds. It coexists with challenge. So my dear colleagues and friends, are you really ready for these challenges?!
If we want to be the leading representative of the sunrise industry-- housing industrialization, we need to redouble our efforts and devote even more to this goal; we need to brave these difficulties with open-mindedness. There are more methods than difficulties!
If we don't want to become a "martyrs" for this new industry, we need to arm ourselves with a sense of crisis all the time, enhance the collective combating strength as a group, and fight gallantly and fiercely to win our goals!
If we are in pursuit of wealth, let's secure the good profitability of our enterprise first. At the time this business model achieves success, it will be sure to bring us considerable fortune. Success of a business model is also the indicator of the performance of our cause!
If we are in pursuit of luxury, let's love our cause, as doing what we love is a kind of luxury we can't buy with money!
If we are in pursuit of even higher life values, let's construct the finest buildings we can pass on to our future generations first; AMS people must be invested with a sense of historical mission!
Everyone has his own wants and material goals in lfe. But what Bill Gates impresses us most is not his luxurious yacht, or his fancy holiday, but his mark left on the progress of human kind that will go down the history;
Given all that, we still need to take some time to savour the 20-Chinese-words culture statement: innovative and high-efficient, open and inclusive, lean and precise, equal and happy. Each word is meaningful, is of vital importance and is related to our life and future...
Speech made on the eve of Production Commencement of Zhenjiang Factory Base 2013.

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